Docker is a trending term nowadays. The concept is called container, which provides isolation for different applications and makes possible for the application to be shipped and run on a diversity of platforms.

In this tutorial, the basic concepts of Docker will be covered, some basic commands introduced, and finally a tutorial on how to deploy a Flask app connected to a Redis database and served on NGINX with docker network will be covered.


  1. Introducing Docker & Setup
  2. Basic Commands
  3. Hands On Time: A Flask Project on Docker

Introducing Docker

The Purpose of Containers

For biginners, you can think of container as a virtual machine, or even just a machine. The underlying infrastructure and mechanism is of course not the same, but you will know the purpose of using containers: running applications independently.

For developers, you often bump into the problem when you want to ship a single application to a different platform -- everything regarding the environment might need to be reconfigured again, which means another round of pain. With docker, all the dependencies are packed together with the code into a single container, which you can just lift and go.

Unlike bulky VMs, which include the entire OS kernel, containers are more lightweight and require less resource.

container infrastructure vm infrastructure


  1. Install & Setup Docker
  2. Install Docker Compose


  1. DockerHub
    • A place for sharing images. Share your image, or pull existing images from here.
  2. Image
    • A package including code, libraries, environment variables, and config files that can be run. Think of it as a set of configurations for a single environment. Hence images can be created, downloaded, shared, etc. All it waits for is to be executed, which becomes a container.
  3. Container
    • A running instance of an image. Images are configurations residing in storage, and containers bring them into memory. Think of image as a certain static environment configuration, and containers are created once you load and run the environment; there can be many container instances running a certain image, but one image defines only one environment.
  4. Service
    • An image for a microservice in the context of some larger applications which you with to run in distributed environment. You can scale services by starting a set of replicated containers. Docker compose is used to define a set of services.
  5. Volume
    • A directory providing persistent and sharable data. With out volumes, data will be destroyed once the container is removed.
  6. Dockerfile
    • An environment configuration file for starting your container. The file is composed of a set of instructions related to setting up the environment, such as move this and that to docker, make this and that port accessible, run this and that commands when starting, etc.
  7. Docker Network
    • A mechanism for a cluster of containers to communicate with each other. For a single project, it may contain several containers, one for web app, one for database, one for proxy server, etc. Docker network provides a way for them to communicate with each other, while different docker networks remain isolated. More conveniently, while the IP address of each container is dynamic, the name of it in a network is static, hence provide a way to access, for example, container example with port 8080 published, via http://example:8080.
  8. Docker Compose
    • A tool for defining and running a cluster of containers. For the single project consisting of serveral containers, you may have to docker run them individually to start the single service. Docker compose lets you create and run your services with a single command. Definitions are written in docker-compose.yml.

Don't Mix Up...

    • Both somehow specify which commands to run when started. The default ENTRYPOINT, or entrypoint in docker-compose.yml, is /bin/sh -c; the default CMD is bash. Consider the command docker run -it some-image /bin/bash; everything after some-image is the CMD (in this case /bin/bash). Running this command will run ENTRYPOINT + CMD, i.e. /bin/sh -c /bin/bash. E.g. if you specify the ENTRYPOINT as ls and CMD as ., the full command looks like docker run --entrypoint="ls" some-image ..
  2. EXPOSE v.s. -p
    • EXPOSE, or expose in docker-compose.yml, is for inter-container communications, e.g. using docker network; the port exposed won't be accessible to outside of the docker. -p, or ports in docker-compose.yml, publishes the port to the world, including all other containers.

Basic Commands

  1. Image

    # List the current images you have and their details
    docker images
    # Download/upload an image from registry
    docker pull <image-name>[:<tag>]
        * docker pull nginx:latest
        * docker pull someuser/his-image
    docker push <image-name>[:<tag>]
        * docker push me/my-image
    # Remove images
    docker rmi <image-name|image-id|image-tag>
    # Remove all images
    docker rmi $(docker images -q)
    # Create image using Dockerfile under specified path
    docker build -t <image-name>[:<tag>] <path-to-directory-containing-dockerfile>
        * docker build -t me/my-image .
  2. Container

    # List all running containers
    docker ps
    # Show container details
    docker inspect <container-name|container-id>
    # Run an image
    docker run <image-name>
    # Run an image with container name assigned
    docker run --name <container-name> <image-name>
    # Run an image in interative mode, interact with the bash shell created in the container
    docker run -it <image-name> /bin/bash
    # Run an image in detached mode, i.e. in background
    docker run -d <image-name>
    # Automatically remove the container when it exits
    docker run --rm <image-name>
    # Run an image on published port, mapping the port exposed by the container to the host port on my machine
    docker run -p <host-port>:<container-exposed-port> <image-name>
        * docker run -p 80:8080 nginx
    # Run an image with volume specified, sharing the directory in the user's path to the container's path
    docker run -v <user-path>:<container-path> <image-name>
        * docker run -v /etc/nginx:/etc/nginx nginx
    # Stop a container
    docker stop <container-name>
    # Remove a container
    docker rm <container-name|container-id>
    # Remove all containers
    docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
  3. Docker Network

    # List all networks
    docker network ls
    # Create a network
    docker network create <network-name>
    # Connect a network to a container
    docker network connect <network-name> <container-name>
    # Or, run a container with network specified
    docker run --net <network-name> <image-name>
    # Show network details
    docker network inspect <network-name>
    # Remove a network
    docker network rm <network-name>
    # Disconnet a container from a network
    docker network disconnect <network-name> <container-name>
  4. Docker Compose

    # (Re)create and run the service
    docker-compose up
    # Remove stopped services
    docker-compose rm

Hands On Time: A Flask Project on Docker

Source code.

In this tutorial, we will create a network first so that containers can communicate within this network. Then we create and test the 3 containers, flask app, redis db, and nginx server, one by one. Finally, we demonstrate how to use docker compose to start the 3 services all at once.

Init Project

  1. Create project named example with the structure below. Different services are seperated into different folders, each running a container (or serveral containers, if you want to scale).

    └── src
        ├── docker-compose.yml                      # docker compose configuration
        ├── flaskapp                                # Service 1
        │   ├── Dockerfile                            # image configuration
        │   ├──
        │   ├── example
        │   │   ├──
        │   │   ├──                            # flask app entry
        │   │   ├──                             # APIs to redis db
        │   │   └──                           # WSGI server entry
        │   ├── requirements.txt                      # dependency information (production)
        │   └──                              # dependency information (development)
        ├── nginx                                   # Service 2
        │   ├── Dockerfile                            # image configuration
        │   ├──
        │   └── nginx.conf                            # nginx server configuration
        └── redisdb                                 # Service 3
            ├── Dockerfile                            # image configuration
            └── redis.conf                            # redis server configuration
  2. Create virtualenv for each container. Since only flaskapp need a python environment, we only create this one.

    $ cd src/flaskapp
    $ virtualenv venv
  3. Install Packages in virtualenv.

    $ cd src/flaskapp
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    (venv) $ pip3 install -e . # dev mode
    (venv) $ deactivate

Note that virtualenv is optional. It can help you test your project in isolated python environment before you deploy it on docker.

Create Docker Network

Create a Docker network for communication between the 3 containers below. We will name the network example, which is the same as our project name.

$ docker network create example
  • Test

    $ docker network ls
    > NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
    > ...
    > abcdefghijkl        example             bridge              local
    > ...

Flask App Container

The following assumes venv in src/flaskapp is activated.

Add Flask App & Gunicorn

See src/flaskapp/example/ and src/flaskapp/example/

  • Test

    (venv) $ cd src/flaskapp
    (venv) $ gunicorn --bind example.wsgi
    # Open browser and go to `localhost:8080`. You should see `Hello World!`.
  • Freeze dependencies into requirements.txt

    (venv) $ pip3 freeze | grep -v 'exampleflask' > requirements.txt # ignore dependency on itself
Deploy on Docker

See src/flaskapp/Dockerfile. venv is made ignored by adding it in .dockerignore.

  • Build image with tag yourusername/exampleflask

    $ cd src/flaskapp
    $ docker build -t yourusername/exampleflask .
  • Run container on image yourusername/exampleflask with name exampleflask, publish port 8080

    $ docker run -d --rm -p 8080:8080 --name exampleflask yourusername/exampleflask
  • Test

    • Open browser and go to localhost:8080. You should see Hello World!.

Redis DB Container

The following assumes venv in src/flaskapp is activated.

Add Redis DB to Flask App

See src/flaskapp/example/

  • Test

    • Install redis-server on your local machine first for testing

      # Start the server on default port `6397`
      $ redis-server
      # Start the flask app
      (venv) $ cd src/flaskapp
      (venv) $ gunicorn --bind example.wsgi
      # Open browser and go to `localhost:8080/<your-name>`. You should see `Hello <your-name>!`.
Deploy on Docker

See src/redisdb/Dockerfile and src/redisdb/redis.conf.

  • Build image with tag yourusername/exampleredis

    $ cd redisdb
    $ docker build -t yourusername/exampleredis .
  • Run container on image yourusername/exampleredis with name exampleredis, publish port 6379

    $ docker run -d --rm -p 6379:6379 --name exampleredis yourusername/exampleredis
  • Test

    $ redis-cli
    # This is wrong
    > not connected>
  • Stop the containers, now run flaskapp and redisdb in docker network example for communication

    $ docker stop exampleflask exampleredis
    # No need to publish port for redis, 
    # as the port is `EXPOSE`d in `Dockerfile` to other containers in the same docker network
    $ docker run -d --rm --net example --name exampleredis yourusername/exampleredis
    $ docker run -d --rm -p 8080:8080 --net example --name exampleflask yourusername/exampleflask
  • Test

    • Open browser and go to localhost:8080/<your-name>. You should see Hello <your-name>!.

Note that Dockerfile is needed only when you want to use your customized redis server configuration written in redis.conf. If you don't need a customized configuration, you don't need to build a new image yourself and can simply use the base image of redis:

$ docker run -d --rm --net example --name exampleredis redis redis-server

Then modify docker-compose.yml accordingly.

    image: redis
    container_name: exampleredis

Note that bind in the redis.conf file SHOULD be changed into bind or else other containers still cannot access the redis server.

NGINX Container

Setup an NGINX Server

For HTTP requests, see src/nginx/nginx.conf.sample and follow this tutorial.

For HTTPSrequests, see src/nginx/nginx-ssl.conf.sample and follow this tutoiral. Make sure that you have used letsencrypt or other means to retrieve the certificate and keys.

Choose either of them, modify the <your-domain-name> (and for HTTPS) in the *.sample file, and name it nginx.conf. For HTTPS, if you did not use letsencrypt, also change the ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key to the corresponding paths.

Deploy on Docker

See src/nginx/Dockerfile.

  • Build image with tag yourusername/examplenginx

    $ cd src/nginx
    $ docker build -t yourusername/examplenginx .
  • Run container on image yourusername/examplenginx with name examplenginx, publish port 80 (and 443 for HTTPS). (Note that -p 8080:8080 is not needed anymore in starting the flask app container, as we will not access this port directly from the browser anymore but instead access this nginx proxy server)

    # HTTP
    $ docker run -d --rm --net example -p 80:80 --name examplenginx yourusername/examplenginx
    # HTTPS, share the directory containing SSL certificate with -v
    $ docker run -d --rm --net example -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt --name examplenginx yourusername/examplenginx
  • Test

    • HTTP
      • Open browser and go to http://localhost. You should see Hello World!.
    • HTTPS
      • Open browser and go to https://localhost. You should see Hello World!.

Wrap up the Project with Docker Compose

After testing individual containers, you can wrap all the commands up into a single docker-compose.yml file, and everything can be started in a single command. All the parameters passed in to the commands when you started the containers are now specified in docker-compose.yml.

Docker network is not needed anymore, as docker compose creates a default network for all its services. But to build up a more complex network topology, you can create your custom networks in the docker-compose.yml file as well.

Deploy with Docker Compose

See src/docker-compose.yml.

  • Start docker compose

    $ cd src
    $ docker-compose up
  • Test

    • HTTP
      • Open browser and go to http://localhost. You should see Hello World!.
    • HTTPS
      • Open browser and go to https://localhost. You should see Hello World!.

Debug Tips

  1. Use -it to run containers in interactive mode so that you can test, view logs, curl other containers, etc. under the environment the app is run in

      $ docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 --net example --name exampleflask yourusername/exampleflask /bin/bash
      > root@abcdefghijkl:~#
      # try curl other containers in the same network
      $ root@abcdefghijkl:~# apt-get -qq update && apt-get -yqq install curl
      $ root@abcdefghijkl:~# curl <other-container>:<port>
      > ...
      # list networks
      $ root@abcdefghijkl:~# cat /etc/hosts
      > ...
  2. Print the logs of a container

      $ docker logs exampleflask
      > ...
  3. List the running containers to ensure they didn't encounter errors

      $ docker ps
      CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
      abcdefghijkl        yourusername/exampleflask   "gunicorn --bind 0..."   some time ago       Up some time>8080/tcp   exampleflask
      mnopqrstuvwx        yourusername/exampleredis   "docker-entrypoint..."   some time ago       Up some time        6379/tcp                 exampleredis
  4. List information of the network to ensure the containers are run within

      $ docker network inspect example
      > [
              "Name": "example",
              "Id": "...",
              "Created": "...",
              "Scope": "local",
              "Driver": "bridge",
              "EnableIPv6": false,
              // ...other properties
              "Containers": {
                  "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": {
                      "Name": "exampleredis",
                      "EndpointID": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
                      "MacAddress": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",
                      "IPv4Address": "w.x.y.z/a",
                      "IPv6Address": ""
                  // ...other container info
              // ...other properties
