
  1. What is Linked List?
  2. Linked List v.s. Array
  3. Visualizing Linked List
  4. Basic examples (in C)

What is Linked List?

Linked lists use dynamically allocated memories as data storage, and associate these storages with pointers.

Well, you may just think of linked lists as arrays that are resizable, easily rearrangible, with non-consecutive slots.

Linked List v.s. Array

Everyone likes comparisons. So the properties of linked list & array here -

Linked List Array
* Dynamic size Fixed size
* Cheaper insertion Expensive insertion
No random access * Random Access
--- * Better cache performance
Extra memory space * ---
  • We must know how many elements to allow when defining an array; linked lists allowes more flexibility.

  • To insert an element into array, we probably need to move a whole bunch of elements backwards for the newcomer to fit. For linked lists, it's just about switching between some pointers and that's it.

  • Memories are allocated consecutively for arrays, which mean calculating arr[5], arr[10], arr[1000] are all about adding offsets to arr[0], which is quite cheap. But for linked lists, the memories are dynamically allocated on heap and do not have this luxury.

  • Moreover for consecutive memories, the cache performance is better, since a whole bunch of array elements that fit into the cache size will be fetched all at once.

  • Linked lists requires more memory space than arrays due to the fact that pointers are required.

Visualizing Linked List

OK, so what's the picture of linked lists? It all starts with a pointer (*list), followed by a list of nodes (node_i):

  []   ->   [_]  ->  [_]  -> ...  ->  [_]  ->  NULL
*list     node_1   node_2    ...    node_N

Hold on, some structures need to be defined for lists and nodes before you can easily mingle with the crazy pointers.

struct Node {
    int value; // holding the value of the node; can be any type or have multiple value fields
    struct Node *next; // pointing to the next node in list

typedef struct Node Node;

struct SinglyLinkedList {
    Node *head; // pointing to the first node in list
    int size; // count of nodes in list; optional field

typedef struct SinglyLinkedList SinglyLinkedList;

Haven't seen typedef before?

typedef provides an easy way to define types so that you don't have to type in so many words when declaring a variable with that data type.

  • typedef [actual-data-type] [a-convenient-name]

So in C, after defiing a struct (e.g. Node), everytime you wanna declare a Node, you type struct Node n. Now I know how to alias struct Node into Node by typedef!

  • typedef struct Node Node;

Then we're ready to use these structs and build a linked list.

Basic Examples (in C)


SinglyLinkedList *list = NULL;
Node *n = NULL;
Node *temp_n = NULL;

list = malloc(sizeof(SinglyLinkedList));
list->head = NULL;
list->size = 0;

malloc stands for memory allocation, which is similar to the new keyword in C++.
You pass in the size of memory you want to allocate, so for a SinglyLinkedList struct, its sizeof(SinglyLinkedList).

Adding a node to list

/*      []     ->    NULL   */
/*    *list                 */

// create a node
n = malloc(sizeof(Node));
n->value = 1; // give the node a value
n->next = NULL; // the node is not linked by other nodes yet

// add it to the head of the list
list->head = n;

/*      []     ->    [1]    ->     NULL   */
/*    *list           ↑                   */
/*                   *n                   */

// remove it from the list
list->head = NULL;

/*      []  ->      NULL    [1] ->  NULL   */
/*    *list                  ↑             */
/*                           *n            */

// destroy it by releasing its memory

/*      []     ->    NULL   */
/*    *list                 */

Always free your malloc'ed memories to avoid memory leak.

Adding nodes to list

// declare pointer temp_n to point to the head of the empty list
temp_n = list->head;

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    // create new node
    n = malloc(sizeof(Node));
    n->value = i;
    n->next = NULL;

    // add to the head of the list
    if (list->head == NULL) { // if list empty, let head point to n
        list->head = n;
    } else { // else let the currently pointed node link to n (by assigning *next to point to n)
        temp_n->next = n;
    temp_n = n;

/*      []  -> [0] -> [1] -> [2] -> ... -> [999] ->  NULL   */
/*    *list     ↑  ->  ↑  ->  ↑     ... ->   ↑              */
/*          *temp_n *temp_n *temp_n        *temp_n          */

Use a temp node pointer to move around the list.

List traversal

int sum = 0;
temp_n = list->head;

while (temp_n != NULL) {
    printf("value: %d\n", temp_n->value);
    sum += temp_n->value;
    temp_n = temp_n->next; // move forward the cursor

printf("sum: %d\n", sum);

Insert a node into list

/*      []  -> [0] -> [1] -> [2] -> ... -> [999] ->  NULL   */
/*    *list                                                 */

int index = 5; // inserting into index 5 of list
n = malloc(sizeof(Node));
n->value = 87;
n->next = NULL;

// traverse through the list to find index; assume we don't check if index is valid
temp_n = list->head;

for (int i = 0; i < index-1; i++) {
    temp_n = temp_n->next;

/*      []  -> ... -> [4] -> [5] -> ... ->  NULL   */
/*    *list            ↑                           */
/*                  *temp_n                        */

// insert by moving around pointers
n->next = temp_n->next;
temp_n->next = n;

/*                    *n  -> [87]                          */
/*                             ↓                           */
/*      []  -> ... -> [4] ->  [5]   -> ... ->  NULL        */
/*    *list            ↑                                   */
/*                  *temp_n                                */

/*                    *n  -> [87]                          */
/*                         ⬈   ↓                           */
/*      []  -> ... -> [4]     [5]   -> ... ->  NULL        */
/*    *list            ↑                                   */
/*                  *temp_n                                */


Remove a node from list

index = 5; // removing node at index 5 of list

// traverse through the list to find index; assume we don't check if index is valid
temp_n = list->head;

for (int i = 0; i < index-1; i++) {
    temp_n = temp_n->next;

/*      []  -> ... -> [4] -> [87] -> ... ->  NULL  */
/*    *list            ↑                           */
/*                  *temp_n                        */

// remove by moving around pointers; notice that we're removing temp_n->next instead of temp->n
n = temp_n->next; // n = node to remove
temp_n->next = n->next; // connect the previous node and the next node

/*                            *n                           */
/*                             ↓                           */
/*      []  -> ... -> [4] ->  [87]   -> ... ->  NULL       */
/*    *list            ↑                                   */
/*                  *temp_n                                */

/*                            *n                                    */
/*                             ↓                                    */
/*      []  -> ... -> [4]     [87]   ->  [5]  -> ... ->  NULL       */
/*    *list            ↑  \_____________⬈                           */
/*                  *temp_n                                         */

free(n); // release memory

Destroy the whole list before program ends

while (list->head != NULL) {
    temp_n = list->head;
    list->head = list->head->next;

// finally, free list as well


Linked lists are the most basic data structure to know and deal with, and its application is wide, such as creating trees. Make sure you can construct a valid linked list before you move on to the more complicated pointer-related data structure!

Source code can be found at GitHub.
