Data stucture notes for coding competitions.


  1. BST
  2. Monotone Queue
  3. Block List
  4. Merge-Find Set
  5. Split & Join AVL
  6. Persistent AVL


  • map
    • Dictionary
    • Insertion, deletion, searching
  • lower_bound, upper_bound
    • Find element in range

For Fans of Statistics Hardwood Species

Monotone Queue

  • Basic operations
    • push in O(1)
    • pop in O(1)
    • max/min in O(1)
  • Implementation
    while (queue not empty) and (tail element >= k):
        discard tail
    append k to tail

    return head of queue

Sliding Window

Block List

  • Structure
    • Partition indices into O(sqrt(n)) segments, each of length O(sqrt(n))
  • Basic operations
    • insert
    • delete
    • Range operation on [i,j] in O(sqrt(n))
  • Implementation
    # invariant: each segment has elements >= L and < 3L; OR only one segment < 3L

    locate segment S # O(sqrt(n))
    brute force insertion on S # O(L)
    if size(S) == 3L:
        evenly split into 2 segments

    locate segment S # O(sqrt(n))
    brute force deletion on S # O(L)
    if size(S) == L and S has adjacent segment:
        combine 2 segments
        evenly split into 2 segments

# range operation
# change & sum as example

## change [i,j] to x
Change(i, j, x):
    if i == l and j == r: # O(1)
        b = true
        y = x
        s = x * (r - l + 1)
    else: # O(L)
        if b == true:
            set every element in [l,r] to y
            b = false
        set every element in [i,j] to x
        calculate s

## query [i,j]
Query(i, j):
    if i == l and j == r: # O(1)
        return s
    else: # O(L)
        if b == ture:
            set every element in [l,r] to y
            b = false
        set every element in [i,j] to x
        calculate s
        return s


Merge-Find Set


  • Structure
    • A ground set S
    • A collection C of subsets of S where 2 different elements in C are disjoint
  • Basic operations
    • union: union 2 subsets
    • find: find the subset a specific elememt is in
    • test: test where 2 elements are in the same subset
  • Implementation (linear)
P: P[i] = parent of i in S
F(P): forest difined by P

    while P[x] != x:
        x = P[x]
    return x # root

    P[Find(x)] = Find(y)

Test(x, y):
    return Find(x) == Find(y)
  • Implementation (optimized)
R: rank of element; init R = {0}

Find(x): # path compression
    if P[x] != x:
        P[x] = Find(P[x])
    return x

Union(x): # union by rank
    x' = Find(x)
    y' = Find(y)
    if R[x'] < R[y']:
        P[x'] = y'
    elif R[x'] > R[y']:
        P[y'] = x'
        P[x'] = y'

Extension 1: Maintaining the Difference

For each element i, V[i] is the underlying unknown integer. Information V[j] - V[i] = k comes.

  • Problem
    1. Consistent with previously known information?
    2. If consistent, record the information
    3. V[j] - V[i] uniquely determined?
    4. If unique, answer the value
  • Implementation
D: difference; D[i] = V[i] - V[P[i]]; init D = {0}

    if P[x] != x:
        (P[x],d) = Find(P[x])
        D[x] += d
    return (x, D[x])

Union(i, j, k): # V[i] - V[j] = k
    (x',D[i]) = Find(i)
    (y',D[j]) = Find(j)
    if R[x'] < R[y']:
        P[x'] = y'
        D[x'] = D[j] - D[i] - k
    elif R[x'] > R[y']:
        P[y'] = x'
        D[y'] = D[i] - D[j] - k
        P[x'] = y'
        D[x'] = D[j] - D[i] - k

  • Apply the data structure

    • Provided V[j] - V[i] = k: Union(i,j,k)
    • Answer V[j] - V[i]: if Test(i,j) then return D[j] - D[i]

How Many Answers Are Wrong

Extension 2: XOR


Split & Join AVL

  • Basic operations
    • join: T1 & T2 are AVL trees, and any keyword in T1 is less than any keyword in T2. Return a union in O(|h(T1)-h(T2)|)
    • split: return T1 with keywords less than k & T2 with keywords larger than k in O(h(T))
    • insert: split(T,x): return join(T1,{x},T2)
    • delete: split(T,x): return join(T1,T2)
    • intervalSelection: return T with elements k1 <= e <= k2
    • intervalCut: cut out interval
    • linkAndCut: intervalCut and link to another place
    • other statistic maintainenance e.g. min, max, sum

Persistent AVL

AVL is link based, and modification operations are join & split. Each time O(logn) nodes visited and modified. Create a copy of root to modified nodes.

Version Controlled Editor